Facebook Dark mode available for Desktop here’s how to enable

The Facebook dark mode is now available for desktop, new interface easier to use expanded options and features that include Facebook dark mode - The Black Web2 min

facebook dark mode

Facebook has introduces the revamped desktop version that includes the Facebook dark mode. Many apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube has got the trending dark mode options earlier. Apps with dark mode options is in dark gray color not fully black. But Twitter having the two options like dark mode or high contrast. Twitter high contrast option looks very great because all the interface got full black color and increases readability and you can change the general colors.

Facebook, after rolling out Dark Mode option in Instagram and WhatsApp applications, now Facebook has started testing the feature for its main website as well. The social media giant Facebook introduced the new look for its desktop version in which Facebook Dark Mode feature included.

facebook dark mode

Facebook dark mode is finally rolling out. After months of testing and teasing, the company has announced that the new Facebook version is available for desktop the new desktop interface of Facebook, just simply switch to toggle the new dark color scheme.

Follow these steps to get the new Facebook version with Facebook dark mode.

1. Log on to Facebook

facebook dark mode

2. On top right corner, click on the small drop-down arrow.

facebook dark mode

3. From the drop-down menu, scroll to the end and click on the ‘Switch to new Facebook’ option.

facebook dark mode

5. You will be shown a dialogue box highlighting the changes. Another box will let you choose between the regular mode and dark mode. Click on the dark mode option.

facebook dark mode

The new Facebook dark mode seen on Facebook doesn’t have a full black color background as the one in Facebook Messenger but a rather Dark Greyish tone. The new interface changes the notification looks, makes profile pages more prominent as they now expanded on the screen and the messenger is now as a floating button on the bottom corner just like support widget. All these features are in streamlined form Watch, Groups, Marketplace and Gaming are in top bar.

Facebook Dark mode brings lot of new customization and new options for user. But User are now waiting dark mode option for its official app. On Watch option of Facebook app here the dark mode scheme is there.

Why hasn't Facebook app got the dark mode?

Interestingly, Facebook’s dark mode is available for mobile users only in the “Lite” variant of the app, the desktop Facebook dark mode has arrived ahead of the feature for its primary mobile application. But of the fact that the most of Facebook’s traffic is happening on mobile.

That should mean that dark mode will arrive in-app soon enough. But it also means that Facebook will effectively be the last of the company’s apps to receive it.

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Neeraj Punta

Neeraj Punta is a Founder/CEO of The Black Web loves to write about Tech and specialized in TECH Researcher | Blogger | Developer | Expert Reviewer | Hacker | Network Admin |Digital Marketer | Security Professional |


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