Google Removes malicious apps from play store that can steal your Photos and sensitive information

Google Removes 17 malicious apps from play store these apps are presented as games in play store. These apps shows unskippable ads. | The Black Web |

play store

How do you feel when someone takes control of your personal information on your device without your consent. Some of these types of malicious apps are present on Google Play store on installing these apps they are able to hide and steal your information. Hello, Everyone, I am Neeraj Punta from The Black Web today I posted an article about those malicious apps present in the Google Play store

Google Removes malicious apps from play store that can steal your Photos Do you have these apps that can steal your photos and personal information? Google also removes these malicious apps from the play store. Google also makes big claims about the security and privacy of user data, but from time to time such apps are found in the Play Store which is very dangerous for the user’s privacy.

These apps can steal the user’s information and may misuse them. According to cybersecurity experts of Avast, at least 17 such apps found on the Google Play store which are the part of Trojan family. Under the Hidden Ads campaign, users in India and Southeast Asia have been targeted by this.

According to Avast, these malicious apps look like gaming apps, but they are designed to show ads that can steal users’ personal information. The most dangerous thing is that such Trojan apps will show such advertisements on your phone that you will not be able to skip you have to watch these full ads.

The problem with such malicious apps is that these apps are able to hide their icons and it runs continuously in background so that the users do not know about this. It is worth noting that Avast had previously told Google about 47 such malicious apps, of which Google has removed 30 apps from the Play Store.

According to Avast a Cybersecurity expert, such malicious apps have also been found that automatically open the browser of the user’s phone to shows the full responsive ad. However, users can uninstall it manually by going to the file manager of their smartphone or Apps option in Settings. 17 such malicious apps have been uploaded on Google Play Store by different developers and have been downloaded 15 million times.

                       Talking about these malicious apps, these include apps like Skate Board, New, Find Hidden Difference, Spot hidden differences, Tony shoot – new stacking guys, etc Also, we have posted on our website about malicious apps in play store you can read from here In that post, we already have described how to detect fake apps on google play store. These malicious apps are very dangerous for user privacy. You can detect these apps very easily without third-party apps. Just navigate our post.

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Neeraj Punta

Neeraj Punta is a Founder/CEO of The Black Web loves to write about Tech and specialized in TECH Researcher | Blogger | Developer | Expert Reviewer | Hacker | Network Admin |Digital Marketer | Security Professional |
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