The Best Smartphone Advice Direct From The Pros

person holding black phone

The smartphone is probably the most popular piece of technology out there today. Just about everyone has one. It’s hard to imagine life without them. They do a lot more than make phone calls. If you want some valuable tips on cell phones, you’ve found the perfect article.

If your cell phone battery dies rather quickly, you may want to look toward your apps. When an app is running, it uses some of your battery. If you are not using an app, be sure to close it. This way, you do not have to worry about a dead battery.

There is reason to believe that the radiation produced by cell phones could cause brain tumors and other health problems. While there is no direct proof that this is true, it is better to be safe than sorry. Whenever you can, put your phone on speaker or plug a headset into it.


green frog iphone case beside black samsung android smartphone

In today’s world there is almost an app for everything. This can simplify life and help you do much of your business on the go, even paying bills over your phone. Know the differences between apps available on Google Play for Android phones and those available for Apple iPhone users. Many of these can have universal supplements, but some do not. Browse whichever app store you have on your phone and see what can help simplify the business side of your personal life.


person holding black android smartphone

Be sure to restart your cell phone every other day. This is especially important if you have a smartphone. Just as a computer, cell phones need to be restarted to fix glitches and purge memory. If you forget to restart it every other day, you may begin to experience problems.

Utilize the voice to text feature on your phone to save time and be safe on the road. This will allow you to convert the words that you say to a text message instantaneously. If you do not have this feature on your smartphone, you can add software like ReQall which will employ it.


space gray iPhone X near green succulent

If you have an iOS device, be sure to close the apps you’re not using in order to conserve power. Just double click the Home (square) button and then press on the first icon. They’ll begin to jiggle and you can close them by pressing the red circle with the – in it on each app.

With any luck, you just picked up some handy advice for the use of your own cell phone. This little gadget can do a lot if you take complete advantage of it. Use the information from this article to ensure you know how to use these features.

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Neeraj Punta

Neeraj Punta is a Founder/CEO of The Black Web loves to write about Tech and specialized in TECH Researcher | Blogger | Developer | Expert Reviewer | Hacker | Network Admin |Digital Marketer | Security Professional |


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