Google bought a feature like ShareIt to every android phone will get a new option

Google bought a feature like ShareIt to every android phone will get a new option. Google has also started beta testing of this new Nearby Share feature


ShareIt and Xender are now banned by Govt because of these apps are Chinese. But transferring large files between devices becoming a difficult task but Google is now testing a new feature to transfer large files in few seconds. Hello, everyone, I am Neeraj Punta from The Black Web, and today I am telling you the Shareit Alternative feature as a beta version.

59 Chinese Apps banned by Indian Govt including, Tiktop, UC Browser, ShareIt, and some other popular apps. Apps like Shareit and Xender are very popular for sharing big files very faster between android devices. But the feature used by these apps to share big files will be the next new option in every Android phone


To share large files in smartphones, users were using the ShareIt app for a long time but recently it has been banned. The Indian government has banned 59 Chinese apps last week and they include Shareit and Xender. Users are now looking for other apps with such file sharing features as Shareit alternative and Google itself can come with relief. Google is testing a new feature, which helps The larger files can be shared in a few seconds.

It has been confirmed from Google that the new Nearby Share feature is coming soon and it works like Apple’s AirDrop option. With this help, Android users will be able to transfer wireless data from one device to another in a very short time. Google has also started beta testing of this new Nearby Share feature and users who are part of the public beta program are also getting a new update.

Update to all android phones

The new feature from the search engine company will be given to all devices with Android 6 and above. With the help of Apple’s AirDrop, Apple users can share contacts and photos among themselves without any extra setup. Similarly, Google’s new feature will give a special option to Android users. According to the report of the Android Police, from taking photos to videos and links, with the help of this feature, users will be able to share the tweets.

Can try beta version

Users can try the beta version if they want. For this, they have to go to Google Play Services and sign up as a beta tester. After the quick update, users will also get the option of Nearby Share in the share sheet. This feature was also seen in the canary build of Chrome OS in June. With the help of Google’s new feature, files cannot be sent to any unknown user and besides keeping the device visible, the receiver has to accept file transfer and they both are on same private network.

After banning 59 Chinese apps by Indian Govt the file sharing apps like ShareIt and Xender user is refused how to send large files between devices. So the Google started the beta testing for Nearby Share feature. You can also use Google File’s app for faster sharing between android devices

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Neeraj Punta

Neeraj Punta is a Founder/CEO of The Black Web loves to write about Tech and specialized in TECH Researcher | Blogger | Developer | Expert Reviewer | Hacker | Network Admin |Digital Marketer | Security Professional |
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