Top Programming languages in 2020 : Boost your IT Career

Highly Demanded and top programming languages in 2020. That gives you boost in your IT Career. You should take out the courses of top demanded languages.5 min

top programming languages

Top demanding programming languages in 2020. You should learn it

Hello everyone and welcome to The Black Web – tech xclusive I’m Neeraj Punta and today I am gonna list the top programming languages in 2020 that give you hike on your career. These Programming languages are the current trend in the IT industry.

The top programming languages that will give you the boost in your current IT Job. These are highly demanded top programming languages listed below. If you are a Developer, Network Engineer or even you are a marketer these programming languages gives you a boost in your current field. These programming languages may vary with respect to time and demand but from some couple of time it becomes stable.

top programming languages

Python becomes the most popular programming language in 2020, Python is one of the top programming language according to GitHub and Google Trends. To determine popularity, GitHub compared the programming languages that were being searched mostly in Google. Python held 29.9 percent of all tutorials searched.

        Python was first implemented in the 1980s and has become one of the top programming languages across the internet alongside Java and JavaScript. The companies like Google, Mozilla and Apple have never tried to make the new standard, Python and other older languages have continued to be used by developers across the world. Large companies like Google, Instagram and Dropbox all rely on Python because of its versatility of products and platforms.

top programming languages

One of the most adopted and popular programming language of all time. Java is the base language of all other programming languages and Google has re-implemented the Java language for new Android OS. Oracle, the owner of Java, sued Google for copyright infringement in 2010. But later, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in this epic copyright case that will have huge implications for the entire software industry and that could cost Google billions of dollars.

Java the mostly used programming language used in both Server and client side development. Software, Web and Game Development are the primary aspect of this language. The top programming languages Java is robust and scalable server side programming language used by most prominent organizations like Banks, Insurance Companies and widely used to make Android apps.

top programming languages

Java script is one the most top programming language widely used in Web Development. Mostly used to make Web user interface most advance, fast and reliable. Java script is one of the most primary language used by Web developer. To make scalable, faster online web application like online forms, portals/panels to manage many online services safer java script is the first preference of web developer.

JavaScript becomes the backbone of all Web based application even if its is React JS, Node JS, Angular JS all are built with JavaScript.

top programming languages

All time ultimate Web Development language that is used almost in every Web application. Almost 70% of the website are build using PHP. The most advance, portable and fast programming language that are used by the many biggest agencies. PHP is one of one of the selected languages of Web Developer. Lightweight easy to use/implement and secure programming language that’s why PHP become the most favorable one of the top programming languages amongst all other for Developer

top programming languages

C and C++ is one of the oldest programming language and it is the mother of all programming language such as C#, Java and Java script. C++ is an upgraded version of C. C is the base programming language of all other languages. Both C and C++ are considered as high-performance languages, widely used in developing applications and program component. C language is used to learn fundamentals of programming at the hardware level but whereas C++ allows much higher control than other languages.

The component oriented top programming language easy to use and implement also become the most adoptable programming language of developer. Writing Complex Program and runs and compile faster become its main features of its programming language. Also called Structured Programming language and it is modern object oriented programming language. All the Syntax of java is like C++. There is no preprocessor and much larger library. C# code does not require header files. All code is written inline The Main Features of this language is C# to interoperate with APIs that target Android or Swift, which support similar features.

top programming languages

Typescript is an Open source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. Designed for large applications and transcomplies to Java script. It is a superscript of Java script is used to develop both Client and Server Side applications such as Node JS and Deno. Typescript is first class programming language in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. Typescript becomes one of the most demanded top programming language. One of the biggest advantage of Typescript is its code compilation and IntelliSense that gives active hints as code is added.

top programming languages

Swift is a general purpose language created for IOs, OSX, watchOS, tvOS and Linux development by Apple Inc. It is an alternative Objective-C language that most popular language for building apps for Apple devices. A powerful and intuitive programming language.

                Developed by Chris Lattner aimed to resolve difficulties in objective C. Popular top programming languages for building iOS applications.

top programming languages

Ruby is a Dynamic, Open Source programming language that focus on simplicity and productivity. A Server side programming language similar to Python and PERL. Uses to develop Common Gateway Interface scripts and embedded into HTML having clean and easy syntax used to develop Web applications and get easily connected to DB2, MySQL, Oracle and Sybase. Ruby Become ranks in the list of top programming languages.

top programming languages

SQL (pronounced as “ess-que-el”) abbreviated as Structured Query Language for Storing, retrieving and manipulating data in databases. SQL is highly used managed databases that is responsible to storing and retrieving data with confidentiality, durability and Integrity. Every software, website or application wants something in which the data can be store with confidentiality. SQL allows user to manage the stored data with its queries that why the SQL is on the list of top programming languages.

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Neeraj Punta

Neeraj Punta is a Founder/CEO of The Black Web loves to write about Tech and specialized in TECH Researcher | Blogger | Developer | Expert Reviewer | Hacker | Network Admin |Digital Marketer | Security Professional |

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